Massage Resources - listings of professional massage therapists, product resources, massage schools, and other useful information for massage therapists and the clients seeking a massage therapist

Get your e-mail here!

POP3 Email Account Order Form

This is a secure transaction.  Click logo to the right.
Upon approval, your email account will be added to our powerful and fast email servers at  All orders are processed in the order in which they are received. 

Please do not use common Hypnosis terms as your email name as most have been reserved for use within our web site.  The best name to use would be your "last name" or "first initial and last name" or (i.e.- smith, bsmith), "company name" or "nickname" (i.e.- healer, wizard, etc.).  Your email address would then be in the following format: healer @

You may want to consider getting a Web Site account which will include your own web site on too.  See child web details >>

Items in red are required

Mouse over or click on  

Mouse over icon next to each item for more information.

Please enter the following information and complete as many fields as possible. 
Email Name: @  Email name (or handle) you are requesting. in the format your_name @
Your Name:
Your Address:

Exactly as it appears on a mailing label; MUST include city, state and zip.

E-mail address: This is your current email address and this is where we can contact you until your pop3 account is activated.  This is also the email address all your email will be forwarded to until you get the POP3 email account set up.

Select Billing Option:

  One Year in advance @ $4.95 US per month = $59.40 Total

required - pick one

Two Years in advance; get two months free = $108.90 Total

Card Information:

Yes, this is a secure transaction.  See details here >>

Name on card:  
Card number:     Leave out any spaces or dashes, just type numbers please.

Card Security Code:

  We ask for security code in order to protect cardholders against misuse of their card.  Click here for more details.
Expiration Date:         
Card Billing Address:

Exactly as it appears on your credit card bill; IF it is different than youraddress listed above; MUST include city, state and zip.




Additional Comments:

Submit POP3 Email Account Order:

  I have reviewed the POP3 Email details / FAQs and hereby authorize TELEcomputers Services to charge my credit card for the above selected amounts and set up my POP3 Email account with the information I have provided herein.  


Return to        Yes, this is a secure transaction.  


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